The PeterFiles

Male Masturbation 
Under Female Guidance
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What Happened to Yahoo Group PeterFilesMasturbators?

The Yahoo group PeterFilesMasturbators was deleted by Yahoo 3 May 2005 for reasons unknown to me. This was distressing and inconvenient to us all. PeterFilesMasturbators had nearly 2000 members and had become a self-sustaining community offering support for chronic male masturbators and the ladies who guide us. I have created a replacement, PeterFilesGuidance, and will be slowly sending emails to members of the former group inviting them to join. It may take a couple of weeks to work through the list, and some may get lost in the shuffle. You can speed up the process by joining the new group. Just remind me you were a former member.

Please join PeterFilesGuidance, and hopefully it will rapidly become as vibrant as PeterFilesMasturbators (R.I.P.) 


And oh by the way, Yahoo deleted RichardShow, too, for good measure.

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Copyright 2005 The PeterFiles.