Stories of Chronic Masturbation

Caught in Mid Squirt

A masturbator is caught by his room mate's family

I am a monkey spankin, masturbating jackboy. 
I began to realize this for the first time one Saturday 
afternoon in college. 
I was standing in my dorm room bathroom with my right 
hand clutching my swollen cock. As I 
watched a ropey blur of sperm spew from my shiny plum, 
the surging jizz actually made 
a loud wet crackling sound that sounded like 
air clearing a waterhose at full blast. 
Hearing this, I looked down at my cock. Time stopped 
as I held my fist steady and motionless 
around my engorged penis while an uninterupted stream 
of sperm arced over the roomy bathroom counter in slow motion and hung 
in the air level with my face. 
Then My cock head went into that full flare mode that 
punctuates the end of a powerful squirt. You know, 
that big drawn out throb that accelerates the tail end 
of the jizz rope through the small slit of the 
penis head at frightening speeds, which causes the entire 
rope of sperm to spin and tumble into a fan of 
milky droplets that splatter everywhere. 
But instead of launching the super speed splatter spray immediately, 
my penis head flared even further to an 
angry shiny mass, and trembled in preperation for the 
super speed punctuation of the squirt. 
My cock paused for an eternal second. My mind reeled, 
I couldn't inhale, my body started spasming and 
jerking. OH MY GOD. I may have blacked out for a 
minute. I remember hoping that my cockhead wasnt going 
to blow off the end of my penis. 
Finally The Blast began, from the depths of my balls. 
Pure white momentum started slowly, unstoppable, 
inevitable, and accelerated up my tube. 
My nostrils flared as a strong bleach smell 
overwhelmed the bathroom and my senses , 
and that did it. 
The surge finally arrived and it buckled my knees. I heard the stream 
gurgling up my tube, I saw a white surge of 
sperm leave my cock in a flash. 
Then everything seemed to happen at once. I'm not sure if 
I saw the reflection of my roommate's 21 year old 
sister Kara in the bathroom mirror before or after the 
sound of my sperm splattering loudly against the 
mirror in huge obscene gooey trails snapped me back to 
reality. She was standing there with her mother and 
father. All three were motionless staring. I dont know if 
they heard my tube gurgle but I know they all 
heard the loud splatter because the mother 
involuntarily flinched at the loudest splatter and 
then inhaled in shock and amazement. 
I was horrified. I thought family day was next 
weekend. I looked back at my cock. My muscles were locked, I was frozen with my 
penis raging in my hand, and I realized there was 
absolutely no way in hell that the next squirt of 
sperm could be deterred. I looked up at 
Kara's reflection in the mirror just as a thick stream of sperm from 
the first round ran down the mirror and obscured her 
She actually cocked her head to the side to see around 
the sperm running down the mirror, looked in my eyes and then back down at my 
Seeing that made the following shot gush so violently from my dick that i 
fell backwards and sent sperm shooting straight up 
above me wildly and then raining down all over the tile 
floor. I tried to get to my feet as my cock let loose 
a steady spray in all directions. The mother gasped 
and stepped forward instinctively to help me up but 
then reconsidered as my stumbling slung pearly goo in all directions. 
I'm not sure when I shot myself in the face, but my right eye stung and 
I tasted salty goo on my lips. 
To be continued. . . . . . 

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