Solo Male Masturbator Videos
Note: These are not streaming videos. Please download the files to your computer prior to watching them. In Internet Explorer, right click on the links below and choose "Save As".
( Indicates Sound)
- Male spurts over photos of Bianca
No Hands CUM.mpeg
- Shooting into the air
joe 62 25.wmv
NEW black shirt.mpeg
- Cumming on his black shirt
NEW c31.mpeg
- Standing shot
NEW Dzl133.mpeg
- Lie-down shot
NEW ElectroCum01.asx
- Electric stimulator
NEW How to make a self masturbating Tool for man.wmv
- Making and demonstrating a plastic pussy from a toilet paper roll.
NEW mc4u-038a.mpeg
NEW mc4u-038b.mpeg
NEW mc4u-801601.mpeg
- An (almost) no-hands shot
NEW Me, Myself and Nikita (lq).wmv
- DOLL SEX! Deadly Stampede gives a show with his plastic fuck dolly.
NEW peprcum.rm
- Spurting on porn photos