The PeterFiles

Male Masturbation 
Under Female Guidance
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Solo Male Masturbator Videos

Note: These are not streaming videos. Please download the files to your computer prior to watching them. In Internet Explorer, right click on the links below and choose "Save As".

( Indicates Sound)

Male spurts over photos of Bianca
No Hands CUM.mpeg
Shooting into the air
joe 62 25.wmv
NEW black shirt.mpeg
Cumming on his black shirt
NEW c31.mpeg
Standing shot
NEW Dzl133.mpeg
Lie-down shot
NEW ElectroCum01.asx
Electric stimulator
NEW How to make a self masturbating Tool for man.wmv
Making and demonstrating a plastic pussy from a toilet paper roll.
NEW mc4u-038a.mpeg
NEW mc4u-038b.mpeg
NEW mc4u-801601.mpeg
An (almost) no-hands shot
NEW Me, Myself and Nikita (lq).wmv
DOLL SEX! Deadly Stampede gives a show with his plastic fuck dolly.
NEW peprcum.rm
Spurting on porn photos




Copyright 2005 The PeterFiles