Chronic Masturbator Chat


Hi, I'm Richard Lovel, and I am a chronic masturbator. From time to time I host free live phone chat conferences for people living with or interested in chronic masturbation addiction. We talk openly and frankly about the pleasures and challenges of being addicted masturbators, often masturbating while we talk.

Please join us and share your experiences and feelings. The telephone conferences are completely free (except for your normal long distance charges). They are open to males, females, straights, bi's, and gays. All we ask is that you be a chronic masturbator (or have a desire to talk/listen to masturbators) and be considerate to others.

Upcoming Conference Schedule

See Message of the Day for scheduled and impromptu conferences.

How It Works

We use the free teleconference service Please visit that site to review how the service works. (This is for your information only. There is no need to log in or register at the site to participate in a conference.)

The teleconference is free to you except for your normal long distance charges to a phone number in the Midwest (Iowa) of the United States. There is no back-charge to your phone by FreeConference. There is no record of your phone number available to me or anyone in the conference.

When you call the number (see Message of the Day when a conference is scheduled), you enter the access code and are immediately connected with whomever is participating. I limit the number of participants to a comfortable group size, so connections are first-come-first-serve. If you can't get in when you call, try again a little later.

When you call in, feel free to speak up and be frank and graphic about your masturbation experiences. Many of us will be naked and masturbating while we talk, and I encourage you to do the same. A number of us may be on Yahoo webcam as well, but that is not a requirement for you to participate. And if you want to "lurk" for a while to get used to things, that is OK too.

To view my Webcam

To connect to my webcam (if it is on), IM me on Yahoo Instant messenger (rlovel2005) and click on my "view webcam" link.